Configuration de CAS ou OIDC ou SAML2
Posté : mer. 11 déc. 2024 10:26
Bonjour je viens de déployer gestsup sur Ubuntu et j'aimerais changer l'authentification interne par une externe comme du CAS SSO ou OIDC et SAML ou Schibboleth. J'ai deja ces solutions en place mais l'integration avec GestSup me pose probleme car il ne propose que LDAP et Entra ID de Azure.
Hello, I have just deployed GestSup on Ubuntu, and I would like to replace the internal authentication with an external one, such as CAS SSO, OIDC, or SAML/Schibboleth. I already have these solutions in place, but integrating them with GestSup is problematic for me because it only offers LDAP and Azure Entra ID.
Hello, I have just deployed GestSup on Ubuntu, and I would like to replace the internal authentication with an external one, such as CAS SSO, OIDC, or SAML/Schibboleth. I already have these solutions in place, but integrating them with GestSup is problematic for me because it only offers LDAP and Azure Entra ID.