J'ai lu le sujet avec le meme nom que vous avez donner le bon repons, s'il vous plait aidez moi aussi.
L'erreur est : Connection failed: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database 'mabase'.
J'ai wampserver3 on Win 10. Il marche, mais pas avec mysql. Je voudrais travailler avec PDO:
$server = "localhost";
$user = "root";
$pass = "";
try {
$connect = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass);
$connect -> exec("SET character_set_connection = 'utf8'");
$connect -> exec("SET NAMES 'UTF8'");
catch(PDOException $error)
echo "Connection failed: " . $error->getMessage();
J'ai essaye de mettre des divers port pour mysql, mais je cois que j'ai une plus grosse pb.
Voila mes tests pour le port:
Je suis inquiete pour le message `N/A means that there are no service related to PID ...`
***** Test which uses port 3307 *****
===== Tested by command netstat filtered on port 3307 =====
Test for TCP
Your port 3307 is used by a processus with PID = 8788
The processus of PID 8788 is 'mysqld.exe' Session: Services
The service of PID 8788 for 'mysqld.exe' is 'N/A'
N/A means that there are no service related to PID 8788
Processus 'mysqld.exe' is launched by service 'wampmysqld64' with PID 468
Test for TCPv6
Your port 3307 is used by a processus with PID = 8788
The processus of PID 8788 is 'mysqld.exe' Session: Services
The service of PID 8788 for 'mysqld.exe' is 'N/A'
N/A means that there are no service related to PID 8788
Processus 'mysqld.exe' is launched by service 'wampmysqld64' with PID 468
--- Do you want to copy the results into Clipboard?
--- Type 'y' to confirm - Press ENTER to continue...
***** Test which uses port 3302 *****
===== Tested by command netstat filtered on port 3302 =====
Test for TCP
Your port 3302 is used by a processus with PID = 3364
The processus of PID 3364 is 'mysqld.exe' Session: Services
The service of PID 3364 for 'mysqld.exe' is 'N/A'
N/A means that there are no service related to PID 3364
Processus 'mysqld.exe' is launched by service 'wampmysqld64' with PID 2840
Test for TCPv6
Your port 3302 is used by a processus with PID = 3364
The processus of PID 3364 is 'mysqld.exe' Session: Services
The service of PID 3364 for 'mysqld.exe' is 'N/A'
N/A means that there are no service related to PID 3364
Processus 'mysqld.exe' is launched by service 'wampmysqld64' with PID 2840
--- Do you want to copy the results into Clipboard?
--- Type 'y' to confirm - Press ENTER to continue...
...les memes pour d'autres valeurs.
S'il vous plait aidez moi,
Erreur connexion MySQL, quell port ?
Pouvez vous vous connectez a phpmyadmin et faire un impression écran de la page d'accueil.
Pouvez vous vous connectez a phpmyadmin et faire un impression écran de la page d'accueil.
GestSup: 3.2.47 | Debian: 12 | Apache: 2.4.59 | MariaDB: 11.5.2 | PHP: 8.3.12 |